For those who have special training needs or desire a “branded” learning experience, our Customized Solutions are made to order. We blend our instructional design with your resources to create a unique training solution that targets your specific needs and audience. This provides your organization with a personalized, custom-tailored approach to optimize the effectiveness of your most valuable resource – your people.
To create the optimal solution and ensure that your organization can “get it used” effectively, we partner with you at every step of the way:
Fact-Finding – First, our Instructional Designers work closely with your company’s Management and designated Subject Matter Experts to create the business/certification context for your learners. This ensures that the customized program targets your learning audience most effectively. We also collaborate with you to establish timelines for your training program and set up exceptional communication channels to promote a timely and efficient content development process.
Instructional Strategy and Media Assessment – To provide you with flexibility and control over your instructional design, we offer both paper-based and online custom learning systems. In this step, we work closely with you to evaluate, recommend, and select the best approach, medium and venue for your organization’s needs and learning audience.
Development – As we develop your Customized Solution, we maintain an open communication channel with you. This assures you that all content is reviewed in a timely manner by appropriate parties (e.g., compliance, SMEs, etc.) and that any questions or issues can be addressed promptly and to your satisfaction.
Road Map to Success – Our process is challenging for both Learners and their Facilitators, but it isn’t complicated. Our focus on Accountability puts Learners in the “driver’s seat” and makes them ultimately responsible for their own learning success. To empower them we provide a “roadmap” that traces the steps they must take to successfully complete their learning experience (including their personal Certification) and – more importantly – to help ensure their professional success.