Incidental Contractor

Incidental Contractor

As the gig economy continues to grow, more and more people are opting to become contractors instead of traditional employees. And while the benefits of being your own boss and setting your own hours can be enticing, it’s important to understand the different types of contractor arrangements that exist.

One of those arrangements is called an incidental contractor. An incidental contractor is someone who is hired for a specific project or task, but that project or task is not the main focus of their work. For example, a graphic designer who is hired to create a logo for a company but is not a regular employee of that company would be considered an incidental contractor.

So why does the distinction matter? For one, it affects how the worker is classified for tax and legal purposes. Incidental contractors are not entitled to the same benefits and protections as regular employees, like workers’ compensation or unemployment insurance. They also typically don’t receive benefits like health insurance or paid time off.

From an SEO perspective, incidental contractors can also play a role in your website’s rankings. If you’re outsourcing work to an incidental contractor, it’s important to make sure they understand SEO best practices and are incorporating them into their work. This could include things like optimizing images for search, using targeted keywords in copy, and ensuring the site is mobile-friendly.

However, it’s important to note that not all freelance workers will be considered incidental contractors. If the worker is providing services that are integral to your business (like a web developer helping to maintain your site), they may be considered an independent contractor instead. This classification comes with different legal and tax implications, so it’s important to consult with a lawyer or accountant to ensure everything is above board.

Overall, incidental contractors can be a great option for businesses looking to outsource specific projects or tasks without committing to a long-term contract. Just make sure you understand the legal and tax implications, and that your contractor understands SEO best practices if that’s important to your business.